Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oliver & Theo

Toby and Brent were interested in getting some pictures of their youngest, Oliver, in time for the holiday. We spent a freezing-cold afternoon in downtown Eugene before the family got too wind chapped. Oliver, who was working on his first teeth at the time, was a good sport... to say the least!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Liska & Leo

Liska was looking for a gift for her husband and asked if I would spend an hour with her and Leo to get some shots with an urban background. Saturday ended up being a glorious day for shooting as it was unseasonably warm and sunny.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Jack Ormsby Vella

Baby pictures! Seriously... is anything more adorable? Infants are such fun to shoot. Their expressions and moods change by the second and their developing sense of awareness makes them the ultimate candid subjects.

This little guy, Jack Ormsby Vella, is the newest to the Vella clan. We've been friends with Jesse & Laurie since we all worked at Omars Restaurant and were room mates in Ashland Oregon almost 10 years ago. We love them dearly and feel so fortunate to count them as our closest friends.

As we look forward to our next arrival, a bouncing-baby-girl Bishoff, due any day, I also look forward to getting to know baby-Jack in the coming months and years. Congratulations you guys! (more to come?)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Stacey & Eric

Stacey and Eric had so much fantastic energy. Their love for one another came through the entire day and in addition to that they clearly make one another laugh-- something that was fun to watch and photograph!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

It's been a busy year

OK, so I violated one of the cardinal rules of blogging...I haven't posted in almost a year! It was a busy year in the summer of 2008 and I photographed many beautiful weddings (see some samples below). In addition, I graduated with my Masters in Architecture and started work at a local architecture firm. I am still shooting weddings but have scaled back how many I shoot each summer so that I can still dedicate the amount of time and care it takes to do a good job for my clients. I'll post some of my summer 2009 shoots in the coming weeks.